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Upcoming Webinars

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Past Webinars

Past Webinar

PULSE Dashboard Supply Chain Refresher Class

This 55-minute REFRESHER webinar is for existing and potential PULSE Dashboard users who want to learn about the SUPPLY CHAIN capabilities of this software. Here are five reasons to register today: - Your competitors are using sophisticated supply chain software - You did not attend the Dashboard training at your company - You are new to using PULSE Dashboard software - Your company is considering using Dashboard this year We are constantly adding new analysis reports that might be useful to you and your organization. The PULSE Dashboard modules to be reviewed are: - Inventory Management - Purchasing - Production - Material Requirements Planning Analytical and information reports are all pre-built, so you can start using them immediately. Mike Leahy will be conducting this webinar. Bring your questions with you!

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Past Webinar

PULSE Dashboard Fundamentals Training

Learn how to use PULSE Dashboard to obtain real-time information from which you can make better and faster decisions. This training session is for new users, potential users or existing users who want a refresher. We will cover things that affect all modules, such as what information is available at your fingertips that you need for your job, choosing columns of data to show on the screen, exporting any screen or graph to Excel, PDF file or e-mail, creating filters, creating custom tabs, copying reports and graphs from one screen to another, and publishing screens to other dashboard users. You will have the opportunity to ask questions about your specific needs. Mike Leahy & Bill Cox will be conducting the webinar.

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Past Webinar

Supply Chain Capabilities of PULSE Dashboard & Analytics software

PULSE Dashboard takes your Macola® data and converts it into information for making faster and better decisions. PULSE Dashboard includes supply chain modules for top management, customer service, inventory, purchasing, production, and MRP personnel. All of the analytical and information reports are pre-developed and ready to use immediately. This webinar is for existing or new PULSE Dashboard users who want training on the supply chain capabilities we have developed. If your company is already using PULSE Dashboard, but it is new to you, this is a great way to obtain a high-level overview to see what you have been missing. This is how our PULSE supply chain software works:      - Pinpoints finished good shortages based on your customer orders.      - Pinpoints production component shortages based on your production orders.      - Demand/replenishment & purchase order dates are critical.      - Imports your product sales forecast.      - New PULSE features allow you to change due dates as needed. - Our Purchase Order Generator creates vendor purchase orders with no manual keying.      - Our Purchase Order Manager Web portal lets vendors update delivery dates in real-time.      - Our MRP regeneration time phases all demand and replenishment to show you what needs to be ordered or manufactured. Remember that good things happen to those who PULSE!

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Past Webinar

PULSE Web Portals for Managing Customer Orders

NEW PULSE Web Portal! The Customer Order Manager Web Portal allows your customers and sales personnel to submit orders as well as monitor correspondence, price changes, promise date changes, etc. These are all logged and updated to your Macola® database. Real-time reports allow you to see orders that just arrived, by due date, past-due orders, etc. This 50-minute overview demonstration will include time for you to ask questions about your specific needs. Bart Fannin will be conducting this webinar.

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Past Webinar

PULSE Purchase Order Manager Web Portal

NEW! The Purchase Order Manager Web Portal provides real-time collaboration with your vendors. Recall the time when you called a vendor about a late delivery only to find that the vendor never received your purchase order.  The Purchase Order Manager Web Portal puts your vendors to work for you. All correspondence, technical specs, acknowledgments, price changes, promise date changes, etc. are logged and updated to your Macola® database. Real-time reports allow you to see orders that have not been viewed by your vendors, price changes, quantity changes, and promise date changes, etc. This 50-minute overview demonstration will include time for you to ask questions about your specific needs. Bart Fannin will be conducting this webinar.

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